Configuring NetFlow for Meraki

Before you proceed! This procedure includes steps you or your Meraki administrator perform outside of WhatsUp Gold. Progress is not responsible for changes to documentation, online resources, and hosted software that originate from Meraki or other third-party vendors. The documentation that follows was accurate at the time of this Network Traffic Analysis release.

Configure NetFlow for Meraki:

  1. Sign-on to the Meraki Dashboard for your organization.

  2. From the Network-wide menu, select Configure > General.
  3. At the NetFlow traffic reporting dropdown list, select Enabled: send netflow traffic statistics.
  4. At the NetFlow collector IP text box, input the IP address for WhatsUp Gold.
  5. At the NetFlow collector port text box, input the port that Network Traffic Analysis listens on. (9999=default)
  6. Apply your changes and look at the NTA Sources Library for your Meraki NetFlow stream.

Tip: For details on the Meraki implementation of NetFlow, see the Meraki documentation.

See Also

Configure Flow Export on Source Devices

Configure Flow Export

Configure sFlow Export on HP Devices

Configuring Flexible NetFlow on a Cisco Device

Configuring NetFlow for Aruba