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Standard Installation

  1. Options: User Account. Enter a username and password to create two new user accounts:

    Both accounts use the same password.

    Your domain password policy may require that you use complex password rules. If so, make sure that you use a password that conforms to the domain requirements. The account will not be created without conforming to the domain password requirements. The Windows user account must comply with the security policies on your Windows server. Once the install completes, verify that the account is not set to expire at the next logon and that you are aware of any expiration policies that apply to the account.

    Click Next.

  2. Options: Select IIS Website. Select the IIS Website under which to create a virtual directory for IIS hosting of the web-based server manager. If IIS is not enabled on this website, the setup program will configure it. A self-signed certificate is created and port 443 (if available) is assigned to listen for SSL connections. Click Next.
  3. Options: Mail Server Settings (only if installing Ad Hoc Transfer Module). Enter the settings for your mail server:
  4. Install: Ready To Install. Review your installation settings and click Install. WS_FTP Server installs.
  5. Click Finish to complete the installation.

See also:

Activating WS_FTP Server Manually (if you did not activate the WS_FTP Server license during installation)
Using the Products

See Also

Traditional Install on a Single Computer

Advanced Installation

Activating WS_FTP Server Manually