IM Logon Dialog
- . Provided by your network administrator, this name is normally presented in the form of an email-like address:
- . Your password is initially provided by your IM network administrator, but, after successfully logging on the first time, you may change your password.
You can change the password by accessing the Logon Options dialog. - . If checked, Ipswitch Instant Messaging completes the Log On process in the background and opens the Main Window.
To take advantage of this feature, you must select the option and type your password in the text box. - . Ifchecked, Ipswitch Instant Messaging saves your password and, during the Log On process, automatically displays it in the appropriate areas.
To take advantage of this feature, you must type your password in the text box. - . If checked,Ipswitch Instant Messaging reports your status to other users as offline, though you are still able to send and receive messages.