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Configure Exchange Transport Rule Conditions

Exchange Transport Rule conditions are used by the Exchange Transport Rule to decide which emails qualify as attachment-based file transfers.  When the Transport Rule conditions are met, the Transport Rule sends an Exchange Incident Report to the Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox. The incident report is available for the Analytics Exchange Agent to process.  

Configuring Exchange Transport Rule conditions that are optimal for your organization might require several iterations.  The recommended approach is to start with a very small subset of the organization using the Exchange User Properties (such as a specific office or Department), and then gradually increase the scope of the Exchange Transport Rule, using the rich set of Exchange 2013 Transport Rule conditions.

To add or modify the Transport Rule conditions, use the Exchange 2013 Administrator Console (EAC).

  1. From the EAC, go to Mail flow > Rules.
  2. When you select a rule in the list, the conditions, actions, exceptions and select properties of that rule are displayed in the details pane. To view all the properties of a specific rule, double click it. This opens the rule editor window, where you can make changes to the rule. For more information about rule properties, see the Exchange 2013 Administrator Console (EAC).

    Reference: Microsoft TechNet


The example shows a Transport Rule condition that limits the scope to the members of the R&D department in the Lexington office.  










See the figure.

Starting small and gradually increasing the scope of the Transport Rule conditions allows you to observe how the volume of Exchange Incident Reports drives Exchange Mailbox Database and Mailbox capacity requirements in a controlled way.


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