A |
Ability to Create and Mount an Exchange Mailbox Database for Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Support |
Ability to Create and Mount an Exchange Mailbox Database for Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Support |
Prerequisites |
Access Control |
Access Control |
Introduction |
Manage |
Add a User |
Add a User |
How Do I... |
Preferred Language |
Users |
Add Data Visualizations (bar, pie, donut, and line charts) |
Add Data Visualizations (bar, pie, donut, and line charts) |
Create a Report On Demand |
Create a Template |
Edit a Template's Fields and Filters |
How Do I... |
Template Editor Tour |
Work with Templates |
Add User Accounts |
Add User Accounts |
Set the Global Password Policy |
Step 6: Configure the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Analytics Agent Data Feed Volume |
Analytics Agent Data Feed Volume |
Improving System Performance |
C |
Capacity Planning - Exchange Mailbox Database Server and Mailbox |
Capacity Planning - Exchange Mailbox Database Server and Mailbox |
Prerequisites |
Change a User's Email Address |
Change a User's Name |
Change a User's Password |
Change a User's Role |
Change My Preferred Language |
Add User Accounts |
Change My Preferred Language |
Change s User's Preferred Language |
Add User Accounts |
Change s User's Preferred Language |
Configuration Options |
Configuration Options |
How Ipswitch Analytics Works |
Introduction |
Step 4: Install an Analytics Agent |
Configure Exchange Transport Rule Conditions |
Configure Exchange Transport Rule Conditions |
Configuring Exchange Support for Ipswitch Analytics |
Create Exchange Transport Rule |
Manual Setup and Configuration of Exchange Support |
Configure the Exchange Mailbox Database |
Configure the Exchange Mailbox Database |
Manual Setup and Configuration of Exchange Support |
Configuring Exchange Support for Ipswitch Analytics |
Consider Excluding Sources of Automated Emails |
Configure Exchange Transport Rule Conditions |
Consider Excluding Sources of Automated Emails |
Control Access to a Library Report |
Access Control |
Control Access to a Library Report |
Create a Report On Demand |
Create a Template |
Create a User Group |
Create a User Group |
How Do I... |
Report Library Tour |
Report Management |
Report Viewing |
View and Manage Library Reports |
Copyright |
Create a Filter |
Create a Filter |
Create a Ruleset |
Create a Ruleset |
Create a Template |
Edit a Ruleset |
Edit a Template's Fields and Filters |
How Do I... |
Report Data Sources |
Rulesets |
Template Editor Tour |
Create a Report On Demand |
Create a Report On Demand |
How Do I... |
Report Viewing |
Template Editor Tour |
Work with Templates |
Create a Ruleset |
Create a Ruleset |
Create a Ruleset |
Create a Schedule |
Edit a Schedule |
Rulesets |
Set up Email Notifications |
Step 6: Configure the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Create a Schedule |
Access Control |
Create a Ruleset |
Create a Schedule |
Create a User Group |
Create a User Group |
Delete a Ruleset |
Edit a Ruleset |
How Do I... |
Schedule Reports for Delivery |
Schedule Tour |
Create a Template |
Create a Template |
Edit a Template's Fields and Filters |
How Do I... |
Template Editor Tour |
Templates Tour |
Work with Templates |
Create a User Group |
Create a Ruleset |
Create a User Group |
Create a User Group |
Delete a Ruleset |
Edit a Ruleset |
Step 6: Configure the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
User Groups |
Create an Exchange Mailbox Database |
Configuring Exchange Support for Ipswitch Analytics |
Create an Exchange Mailbox Database |
Ipswitch Analytics Setup and Configuration Script for MS Exchange 2013 |
Manual Setup and Configuration of Exchange Support |
Create Exchange Transport Rule |
Create Exchange Transport Rule |
Manual Setup and Configuration of Exchange Support |
Create Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox |
Create Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox |
Manual Setup and Configuration of Exchange Support |
Create Ipswitch Analytics Mailbox Retention Policy |
Create Ipswitch Analytics Mailbox Retention Policy |
Manual Setup and Configuration of Exchange Support |
Create Ipswitch Analytics Mailbox Throttling Policy for IMAP Throttling Relief |
Create Ipswitch Analytics Mailbox Throttling Policy for IMAP Throttling Relief |
Manual Setup and Configuration of Exchange Support |
D |
Data Acquisition Throttling |
Data Acquisition Throttling |
Improving System Performance |
Data Acquisition Volume |
Data Acquisition Volume |
Improving System Performance |
Deactivate a User |
Deactivate a User |
Users |
Delete a Library Report |
Delete a Library Report |
How Do I... |
Report Library Tour |
Report Management |
View and Manage Library Reports |
Delete a Ruleset |
Delete a Ruleset |
Rulesets |
Delete a Schedule |
Delete a Schedule |
How Do I... |
Schedule Reports for Delivery |
Schedule Tour |
Delete a Template |
Delete a Template |
How Do I... |
Template Editor Tour |
Templates Tour |
Work with Templates |
Delete a User |
Delete a User |
Users |
Delete a User Group |
Create a User Group |
Delete a User Group |
User Groups |
Disable Content Indexing |
Configure the Exchange Mailbox Database |
Disable Content Indexing |
Disable Ipswitch Analytics Transport Rule |
Disable Ipswitch Analytics Transport Rule |
Removing Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Support Setup and Configurations |
Disk Performance |
Disk Performance |
Improving System Performance |
E |
Edit a Custom Template's Name or Description |
Edit a Custom Template's Name or Description |
Template Editor Tour |
Templates Tour |
Work with Templates |
Edit a Library Report's Name and Description |
Edit a Library Report's Name and Description |
How Do I... |
Report Library Tour |
Report Management |
View and Manage Library Reports |
Edit a Ruleset |
Edit a Ruleset |
Rulesets |
Edit a Schedule |
Edit a Schedule |
How Do I... |
Schedule Reports for Delivery |
Schedule Tour |
Edit a Template's Fields and Filters |
Edit a Template's Fields and Filters |
How Do I... |
Schedule Reports for Delivery |
Template Editor Tour |
View and Manage Library Reports |
Work with Templates |
Edit a User |
Add a User |
Edit a User |
Modify an Ipswitch Analytics Agent |
Users |
Edit a User Group |
Create a User Group |
Delete a User Group |
Edit a User Group |
User Groups |
Email Notifications |
Email Notifications |
How Do I... |
Introduction |
Manage |
Modules |
System |
Enable a User |
Enable a User |
Users |
Enable Exchange IMAPS Services on port 993 |
Enable Exchange IMAPS Services on port 993 |
Prerequisites |
Enable IMAP4 in Exchange 2013 |
Enable IMAP4 in Exchange 2013 |
Verify that IMAP4 is Available from MS Exchange |
Enable Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Transport Rule |
Configuring Exchange Support for Ipswitch Analytics |
Enable Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Transport Rule |
Estimate Monthly Transactions |
Exchange Mailbox Database Mounting Limits |
Exclude from Provisioning |
Configure the Exchange Mailbox Database |
Exclude from Provisioning |
Export a Library Report |
Export a Library Report |
How Do I... |
Report Library Tour |
View and Manage Library Reports |
F |
Field Definitions |
Create a Template |
Field Definitions |
Reference |
For PostgreSQL |
For PostgreSQL |
Improving System Performance |
For Tomcat |
For Tomcat |
Improving System Performance |
G |
Get Help |
Get Help |
How Do I... |
Introduction |
H |
How Do I... |
How Do I... |
How Do I... |
Introduction |
Manage |
Use |
How Ipswitch Analytics Works |
How Ipswitch Analytics Works |
Introduction |
I |
Improving System Performance |
Install |
Install |
Install the Ipswitch Analytics Server and Agent |
Install, Modify, Remove, and Update |
Introduction |
Install a Primary Agent |
Install a Primary Agent |
Install a Secondary Agent |
Install Analytics Agents in Legacy Failover Environments |
Install a Secondary Agent |
Install a Primary Agent |
Install a Secondary Agent |
Install Analytics Agents in Legacy Failover Environments |
Install Analytics Agents in Legacy Failover Environments |
Install Analytics Agents in Legacy Failover Environments |
Step 2: Install the Analytics Server |
Step 4: Install an Analytics Agent |
Install the Ipswitch Analytics Server and Agent |
Configuring Exchange Support for Ipswitch Analytics |
Install the Ipswitch Analytics Server and Agent |
Install, Modify, Remove, and Update |
Install, Modify, Remove, and Update |
Introduction |
Introduction |
Improving System Performance |
Ipswitch Analytics Administrator Guide |
Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Support Administration |
Ipswitch Analytics Setup and Configuration Script for MS Exchange 2013 |
Configuring Exchange Support for Ipswitch Analytics |
Ipswitch Analytics Setup and Configuration Script for MS Exchange 2013 |
Manual Setup and Configuration of Exchange Support |
L |
Licenses and Agents |
How Do I... |
Install a Primary Agent |
Install a Secondary Agent |
Introduction |
Licenses and Agents |
Manage |
Modules |
Step 3: Sign in, Upload the License File, and Reset the Agent Access User Password |
Step 5: Verify Agent Functionality |
M |
Manage |
Introduction |
Manage |
Managing Storage for the Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox |
Manual Setup and Configuration of Exchange Support |
Ipswitch Analytics Setup and Configuration Script for MS Exchange 2013 |
Manual Setup and Configuration of Exchange Support |
Measure and Tune Disk Performance |
Improving System Performance |
Measure and Tune Disk Performance |
Memory |
Improving System Performance |
Memory |
Modify |
Install, Modify, Remove, and Update |
Introduction |
Modify |
Modify an Ipswitch Analytics Agent |
Add User Accounts |
How Do I... |
Install a Primary Agent |
Modify |
Modify an Ipswitch Analytics Agent |
Modify the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Troubleshooting (Installation) |
Users |
Modify the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Modify |
Modify an Ipswitch Analytics Agent |
Modify the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Step 2: Install the Analytics Server |
Troubleshooting (Installation) |
Modules |
Introduction |
Modules |
Use |
Monitor |
Monitor |
Use |
Monitor and adjust quotas over time |
Monitor Chart |
Monitor |
Monitor Chart |
Monitor Tour |
Monitor Dashboard |
Monitor |
Monitor Chart |
Monitor Dashboard |
Monitor Tour |
Monitor Tour |
Modules |
Monitor Tour |
Quick Tour |
Mount at Startup |
Configure the Exchange Mailbox Database |
Mount at Startup |
MS Exchange Data Mapping: Email to File Transfer Fields |
Field Definitions |
MS Exchange Data Mapping: Email to File Transfer Fields |
O |
Overview |
Introduction |
Overview |
P |
Password Policy |
How Do I... |
Introduction |
Manage |
Modules |
Password Policy |
Security |
System |
Pause or Resume a Schedule |
How Do I... |
Pause or Resume a Schedule |
Schedule Reports for Delivery |
Schedule Tour |
Planned Exchange Service Interruption |
Planned Exchange Service Interruption |
Prerequisites |
Preferred Language |
Add a User |
Preferred Language |
Prerequisites |
Configuring Exchange Support for Ipswitch Analytics |
Ipswitch Analytics Setup and Configuration Script for MS Exchange 2013 |
Manual Setup and Configuration of Exchange Support |
Prerequisites |
Publish a Custom Template |
Edit a Template's Fields and Filters |
How Do I... |
Publish a Custom Template |
Template Editor Tour |
Templates Tour |
Work with Templates |
Q |
Quick shutoff: Disabling Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Transport Rule |
Quick Tour |
Introduction |
Quick Tour |
Sign In |
Use |
Quota Planning - Inbox - Example Calculations |
Ipswitch Analytics Setup and Configuration Script for MS Exchange 2013 |
Quota Planning - Inbox - Example Calculations |
Quota Planning - Recoverable Items |
Create Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox |
Ipswitch Analytics Setup and Configuration Script for MS Exchange 2013 |
Quota Planning - Recoverable Items |
R |
Reference |
Introduction |
Reference |
Remove |
Install, Modify, Remove, and Update |
Introduction |
Remove |
Remove an Ipswitch Analytics Agent |
How Do I... |
Remove |
Remove an Ipswitch Analytics Agent |
Remove and Reinstall the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
How Do I... |
Remove and Reinstall the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Remove the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Remove Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox |
Remove Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox |
Removing Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Support Setup and Configurations |
Remove Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox Database |
Remove Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox Database |
Removing Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Support Setup and Configurations |
Remove Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Retention Policy and Tags |
Remove Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Retention Policy and Tags |
Removing Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Support Setup and Configurations |
Remove Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Throttling Policy |
Remove Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Throttling Policy |
Removing Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Support Setup and Configurations |
Remove Ipswitch Analytics Transport Rule |
Remove Ipswitch Analytics Transport Rule |
Removing Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Support Setup and Configurations |
Remove the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
How Do I... |
Remove |
Remove and Reinstall the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Remove the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Step 2: Install the Analytics Server |
Removing Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Support Setup and Configurations |
Remove |
Removing Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Support Setup and Configurations |
Report Creation |
Report Creation |
Reports |
Report Data Sources |
How Do I... |
Report Data Sources |
Report Viewing |
Reports |
Report Library Tour |
Modules |
Report Library Tour |
Reports Tour |
Report Management |
Report Management |
Reports |
Report Viewing |
Report Viewing |
Reports |
Reports |
Create a Template |
Introduction |
Manage |
Monitor Chart |
Report Creation |
Reports |
Reports |
Template Editor Tour |
Use |
Work with Templates |
Reports Tour |
Modules |
Quick Tour |
Reports Tour |
Restore the Analytics Server |
Restore the Analytics Server |
Server Backup and Restore |
Rulesets |
Access Control |
Add a User |
Add User Accounts |
Create a User Group |
Create a User Group |
Edit a User |
How Do I... |
Introduction |
Manage |
Modules |
Rulesets |
User Groups |
Users |
S |
Schedule Reports for Delivery |
Create a Report On Demand |
Create a Ruleset |
Delete a Template |
How Do I... |
Report Viewing |
Reports |
Schedule Reports for Delivery |
Schedule Tour |
Work with Templates |
Schedule Tour |
Modules |
Report Library Tour |
Reports Tour |
Schedule Tour |
Security |
How Ipswitch Analytics Works |
Introduction |
Password Policy |
Security |
Set the Global Password Policy |
Security > Activity Fields |
Security Fields |
Security Templates |
Security > Organization/User Fields |
Security Fields |
Security Templates |
Security > Server Fields |
Security Fields |
Security Templates |
Security > Time Fields |
Security Fields |
Security Templates |
Security > Activity Fields |
Security > Organization/User Fields |
Security > Server Fields |
Security > Time Fields |
Security > Activity Fields |
Security > Organization/User Fields |
Security > Server Fields |
Security > Time Fields |
Security Fields |
Field Definitions |
How Do I... |
Security Fields |
Security Templates |
Security Templates |
Security Templates |
Stock Templates |
Users |
Server Backup and Restore |
Restore the Analytics Server |
Server Backup and Restore |
Set the Global Password Policy |
Set the Global Password Policy |
Step 6: Configure the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Set up Email Notifications |
Add User Accounts |
Set up Email Notifications |
Step 6: Configure the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Sign In |
Introduction |
Quick Tour |
Sign In |
Use |
Step 1: Gather Items |
Install |
Step 1: Gather Items |
Step 2: Install the Analytics Server |
How Do I... |
Install |
Install Analytics Agents in Legacy Failover Environments |
Remove and Reinstall the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Restore the Analytics Server |
Step 1: Gather Items |
Step 2: Install the Analytics Server |
Step 3: Sign in, Upload the License File, and Reset the Agent Access User Password |
Install |
Step 2: Install the Analytics Server |
Step 3: Sign in, Upload the License File, and Reset the Agent Access User Password |
Step 4: Install an Analytics Agent |
How Do I... |
Install |
Install the Ipswitch Analytics Server and Agent |
Step 3: Sign in, Upload the License File, and Reset the Agent Access User Password |
Step 4: Install an Analytics Agent |
Step 5: Verify Agent Functionality |
Install |
Install a Secondary Agent |
Step 4: Install an Analytics Agent |
Step 5: Verify Agent Functionality |
Step 6: Configure the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Install |
Step 5: Verify Agent Functionality |
Step 6: Configure the Ipswitch Analytics Server |
Stock Templates |
Reference |
Stock Templates |
Work with Templates |
System |
Manage |
Modules |
System |
T |
Template Editor Tour |
Report Library Tour |
Template Editor Tour |
Templates Tour |
Templates Tour |
Modules |
Reports Tour |
Templates Tour |
Time Zones |
How Ipswitch Analytics Works |
Introduction |
Time Zones |
Transfer > File Fields |
Transfer > Operation Fields |
Transfer > Organization/User Fields |
Transfer > Server Fields |
Transfer > Time Fields |
Transfer > Transfer Fields |
Transfer > File Fields |
Transfer > Operation Fields |
Transfer > Organization/User Fields |
Transfer > Server Fields |
Transfer > Time Fields |
Transfer > Transfer Fields |
Transfer Fields |
Field Definitions |
Transfer Fields |
Transfer Templates |
Transfer Templates |
Stock Templates |
Transfer Templates |
Transport Rule Ordering |
Configure Exchange Transport Rule Conditions |
Transport Rule Ordering |
Transport Rule Storage and Replication |
Configure Exchange Transport Rule Conditions |
Transport Rule Storage and Replication |
Transport Rule Testing |
Configure Exchange Transport Rule Conditions |
Transport Rule Testing |
Troubleshoot |
Introduction |
Manage |
Troubleshoot |
Troubleshooting (Installation) |
Step 3: Sign in, Upload the License File, and Reset the Agent Access User Password |
Step 5: Verify Agent Functionality |
Troubleshooting (Installation) |
U |
Update a Certificate or Certificate Chain: updatecert.bat utility |
Update the Analytics Agent |
Update the Analytics Agent |
Update the Analytics Server |
Update to a New Release of Ipswitch Analytics |
Updating Agents in Legacy Failover Environments |
Update the Analytics Server |
Install the Ipswitch Analytics Server and Agent |
Update the Analytics Server |
Update to a New Release of Ipswitch Analytics |
Update to a New Release of Ipswitch Analytics |
Install, Modify, Remove, and Update |
Update to a New Release of Ipswitch Analytics |
Updating Agents in Legacy Failover Environments |
Use |
Introduction |
Use |
Use Cases |
Introduction |
Use Cases |
User Audit > Activity Fields |
User Audit > Organization/User Fields |
User Audit > Server Fields |
User Audit > Time Fields |
User Audit > Activity Fields |
User Audit > Organization/User Fields |
User Audit > Server Fields |
User Audit > Time Fields |
User Audit Fields |
Field Definitions |
How Do I... |
User Audit Fields |
User Audit Templates |
User Audit Templates |
Stock Templates |
User Audit Templates |
Users |
User Groups |
Access Control |
Create a Ruleset |
Introduction |
Manage |
User Groups |
Users |
Access Control |
How Do I... |
Introduction |
Manage |
Modules |
Users |
V |
Verify that IMAP4 is Available from MS Exchange |
View and Manage Library Reports |
Create a Report On Demand |
Report Library Tour |
Report Management |
Reports |
Template Editor Tour |
View and Manage Library Reports |
W |
Work with Templates |
How Do I... |
Reports |
Templates Tour |
Work with Templates |
Workflow > File Fields |
Workflow > Organization/User Fields |
Workflow > Server Fields |
Workflow > Time Fields |
Workflow > Workflow Fields |
Workflow > File Fields |
Workflow > Organization/User Fields |
Workflow > Server Fields |
Workflow > Time Fields |
Workflow > Workflow Fields |
Workflow Fields |
Field Definitions |
Workflow Fields |
Workflow Templates |
Workflow Templates |
Stock Templates |
Workflow Templates |