XML Document Formats - Task Configuration - Overview

The TaskXML parameter to StartNewTask is an XML string with the following format.  Optional sections are shown in this style.

<Task (with attributes)>
   <Source .../>
   <Destination .../>
   <Process .../>

Most items are configured by XML attributes.  True/False settings are indicated by "1" or "0". There are many potential settings, but most tasks use only a few. Reasonable defaults are provided for nearly all attributes, so generally you need to provide only a small number of attributes in any invocation.

Here's a typical TaskXML string:

<Task ID="12345678" Name="Get from SSH">
   <Source ID="11" HostID="69230956" Type="SSHFTP" Path="/home/fred" FileMask="download.zip" UseDefRetryTimeoutSecs="1" UseDefRescanSecs="1"/>
   <Destination ID="13" HostID="0" Type="FileSystem" Path="C:\TEMP\" FileName="[OrigName]" UseOrigName="1" ForceDir="1" OverwriteOrig="1" UseRelativeSubdirs="1"/>
   <SSHFTP ID="69230956" Name="loggerSSH" Host="logger" Port="22" IgnoreCertProbs="1" DefUsername="fred" DefPassword="!s!Bl+gQ4EBPYyiHD=="/>

If a dynamically-created task contains references to hosts or scripts not provided as part of the XML, MOVEit Automation will fill in the host or script from the configuration file. Any references to PGP keys, SSH keys, or global task parameters will also be satisfied from the configuration file.

Read further about the formats of the following XML nodes: