Built-in scripts are installed and updated along with MOVEit Central, and their source code may not be viewed or altered. Built-in scripts are available automatically as soon as you install MOVEit Central. By contrast, to use a custom script, you must load it into MOVEit Central.
There are two types of built-in script:
Scripts that can be run as processes in tasks. This is the more common type.
Scripts that can be used to parse the output from an unusual FTP or SSH server. These are used by specifying them in the configuration of an FTP or SSH host.
The following built-in process scripts are currently available.
Certs Backup - Extracts client certificates from Windows and saves them to two files for backup purposes.
Certs Restore - accepts as input PFX files created by the "Certs Backup" script, and imports them into Windows.
Command Line App - Runs a command line application. Parameter placeholders to indicate input file and output file/folder allow for seamless integration into MOVEit Central tasks.
Find Or Replace - Finds (i.e., counts) or replaces particular words or phrases in files. Also can strip or replace special characters such as tabs and line feeds.
Header ID - Reads the first (Header) line of a file, determines the ID from a set character position and passes this as a new task parameter. Also can strip the first line.
HTTP Get - Downloads a file from a webserver, using the GET verb.
HTTP Post - Uploads a file to a webserver, using the POST verb.
HTTP Put - Uploads a file to a webserver, using the somewhat uncommon PUT verb.
Ignore All Files - Causes all files already downloaded or added via a script to be ignored in subsequent processing steps.
Look Up - Looks up one or more values from a table given a key such as a file name, uploading username or source path.
MessageWay Translation - Sends a file to a MessageWay server for translation or data format conversion.
No Op - "No Operation". Generally used to force MOVEit Central to delete files from a source without transferring them.
Prepend Lines - Inserts up to four lines at the beginning of a file.
Report Long Running Tasks - Queries the micstats database and reports back information about any tasks that have been running longer than the specified time interval.
Set Destination - Changes the host definition (and optionally, the path) of the destination used in this task run.
Sleep - Pauses task operation for a specified number of seconds or milliseconds.
SMIME Receive - Retrieves and decrypts an S/MIME encoded email attachment.
SMIME Send - Encrypts a file and sends it as an S/MIME email attachment.
Tamper Detect - Checks for tampering in the audit and activity history tables.
Trim Statistics DB - Archives old MOVEit Central log records into a flat file every few days.
Unzip Advanced - Unzips ZIP archives with an optional ZIP password.
XSL Transform - Transforms XML documents with XSL stylesheets/templates.
Zip Advanced - Creates ZIP archives with one or multiple files, configurable level of compression and an optional ZIP password.
These built-in process scripts are also available when a MOVEit Central PGP license has been enabled. More information about how to use MOVEit Central to encrypt and decrypt PGP files may be found in the MOVEit Central PGP documentation.
The following built-in directory parsing scripts are available:
FTP Directory Parse - AS400. This can be configured as a directory parsing script on the Advanced Options dialog when configuring an FTP host. It should be used only if the FTP server is a standard IBM AS/400 (iSeries) server. However, it is recommended that instead of using this parsing script, you configure the host with the value SITE LISTFMT 1 for the "Additional commands to execute upon signon" setting available on the same Host configuration dialog. This asks the AS/400 to use a more standard listing format, which can be automatically recognized by MOVEit Central.