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These pages allows administrators to set the default policies - regarding HTTP, FTP, SSH, and Mobile interfaces - for all new users on the in the organization. Changes to the policies on these pages will be given the option of also being applied to all existing users in the organization. Policies set here can be changed per user in the User Profile (User Authentication section).

Note: For all of these interfaces, if you plan on using different interface policies for different groups of users, you may want to explore the various create users as a clone of... options available in MOVEit DMZ. For example, you may want all your users except those using External Authentication (EA) to present a certificate during the authentication process. To accomplish this, set the organization's default interface values to require client certs and set the EA source to clone a template user that does not require client cert authentication during new EA user creation.


This page allows administrators to set the default HTTP interface policy for all new users in the organization. Changes to the policy on this page will be given the option of also being applied to all existing users in the organization. The policy options available are:


This page allows administrators to set the default FTP interface policy for all new users in the organization. Changes to the policy on this page will be given the option of also being applied to all existing users in the organization. The policy options available are:

Management of trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) and user holding tank certificates is also performed here. For more information on trusted CAs, see the System Configuration - SSL and SSH - SSL - Client Certs - Trusted CAs document page. For more information on the SSL client certificate holding tank, see the System Configuration - SSL and SSH - SSL - Client Certs - Holding Tank document page.


This page allows administrators to set the default SSH interface policy for all new users in the organization. Changes to the policy on this page will be given the option of also being applied to all existing users in the organization. The policy options available are:

Management of user holding tank keys is also performed here. For more information on the SSH client key holding tank, see the SSH Keys Holding Tank document page.


This page allows administrators to set the default Mobile interface policy for all new users in the organization. Changes to the policy on this page will be given the option of also being applied to all existing users in the organization. Policies set here can be changed per user in the User Profile (User Authentication section).sys

The policy options available are:

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