Clicking on a package subject from any package list will display the actual package.
Information such as the sender, the recipients, the subject, and the current mailbox are shown in the package header section. Below that, the note (message body) is shown, followed by a list of attachments, if there are any. Clicking on an attachment name will lead to a page with information about the attachment file. A Download button is provided, along with a Download All button if the Upload/Download Wizard is installed and enabled.
The Package Options section of the page displays the actions that can be performed on the current package. These actions will include some or all of the following:
Trash - Move the package to the Trash mailbox.
Delete - Only available to packages in the Trash mailbox, this permanently removes the current package from the Trash mailbox.
Reply - Start composing a new package to the sender of the current package. The body of the current package will be retained and each line marked with the ">" character.
Reply All - Start composing a new package to the sender of the current package, as well as the recipients of the current package. As with Reply, the body of the current package will be retained and each line marked with the ">" character.
Forward - Start composing a new package with no recipient. As with Reply and Reply All, the body of the current package will be retained and each line marked with the ">" character. Unlike Reply and Reply All, any attachments in the current package will be copied to the new package.
Move/Restore - In all mailboxes except Trash, this will be "Move". In Trash, it will be "Restore". They both function the same way, allowing the user to select a mailbox to move the current package to.
View Send Receipt - View the Send Receipt, which shows the subject, sent date and time, recipients, any attached files, and any options, such as expiration and quota, set for this package.
View Package History - View any audit log entries associated with the current package.
View Print Friendly - View the package in a printer friendly format. (Navigation is suppressed and the package is forced into a 660 pixel-wide page.)