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This document describes the new features and bug fixes for MOVEit including MOVEit DMZ 8.3 and Ad Hoc Transfer Plug-in for Outlook.

MOVEit 8.3 introduces several new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.

New features include:

  • A JavaScript Wizard for all browsers that makes uploading files much easier. It is recommended that all non-Internet Explorer browsers use the JavaScript Wizard to upload files to folders and packages.
  • A Recent Downloads link on the Home page that lists all recent downloads and offers the chance to check file download integrity if not done previously (only when JavaScript Wizard is enabled).

Enhancements include:

  • Ad Hoc Transfer Plug-in Support for Outlook 2016

For the full list of system requirements, see Chapter 1 of the MOVEit DMZ Installation Guide.

IMPORTANT: If you upgrade MOVEit DMZ to version 8.2+, you must upgrade Mobile clients to version 1.2.2. The Mobile client is not backward compatible.

Support for MOVEit DMZ Versions

Pursuant to the Ipswitch File Transfer “Product Lifecycle and EOL Policy,” Ipswitch File Transfer announces the End-of-Availability (EOA), End-of-Sales (EOS) and End-of-Life (EOL) dates for MOVEit DMZ 8.0. As of October 1st, 2015, all MOVEit DMZ 8.0 versions enter their Maintenance Phase. On April 1st, 2016 all MOVEit DMZ 8.0 versions enter their Sunset Phase, and an EOL date of October 1st, 2016 has been set. That EOL date will also mark the End-of-Maintenance (EOM) for these product versions, and any support beyond that date will require purchase of a Maintenance Extension, available at the discretion of Ipswitch File Transfer. During the Sunset Phase of these product versions’ lifecycle, and prior to EOL/EOM, the product versions will continue to be fully supported for existing customers through all main channels of support, including telephone and email support, online support, and access to the product’s knowledge base.

MOVEit DMZ versions that are currently beyond EOL/EOM dates and are no longer available for sale or support include MOVEit DMZ 7.5. Post-EOM Maintenance Extensions may be granted in select cases, at the discretion of Ipswitch File Transfer. Willingness to grant a Maintenance Extension will depend on the availability of suitable Active-Support upgrade alternatives, among other factors. Customers interested in a Maintenance Extension are encouraged to contact their Ipswitch File Transfer Sales Representative to learn more. During the Sunset Phase of these product versions’ lifecycle, and prior to EOL/EOM, the product versions will continue to be fully supported for existing customers through all main channels of support, including telephone and email support, online support, and access to the product’s knowledge base.

MOVEit DMZ versions and Resiliency that are currently beyond EOL/EOM dates and are no longer available for sale or support include MOVEit DMZ 7.1. Post-EOM Maintenance Extensions may be granted in select cases, at the discretion of Ipswitch File Transfer. Willingness to grant a Maintenance Extension will depend on the availability of suitable Active-Support upgrade alternatives, among other factors. Customers interested in a Maintenance Extension are encouraged to contact their Ipswitch File Transfer Sales Representative to learn more. During the Sunset Phase of these product versions’ lifecycle, and prior to EOL/EOM, the product versions will continue to be fully supported for existing customers through all main channels of support, including telephone and email support, online support, and access to the product’s knowledge base.

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