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Step 3: Launch the Gateway Configuration Interface

Configure Endpoint

Note: You cannot perform this step remotely. You must be on the MOVEit Gateway server to set up the first Endpoint.

  1. Open the web browser Gateway Configuration interface: https://localhost:portnumber, where portnumber is the port you selected during the Gateway Server installation. This is typically 9443.
  2. Enter the following endpoint information to start pairing the MOVEit Transfer server.
  3. Click Submit.


The Gateway configuration verifies the following information:

  1. Before authenticating, you may be asked to review the certificate to ensure it is appropriate for the MOVEit Transfer server. To proceed, click Trust. To start again, click Reset Endpoint.
  2. Enter your MOVEit Transfer Server credentials to verify the endpoint.
  3. Click Submit.

Ready to Login

  1. When the endpoint is verified, click Login to Gateway.

    You can Re-Verify or Delete the Endpoint from the sign in screen. You might need to do this if the MOVEit Transfer server's certificate identity changes or the MOVEit Transfer server location moves from one machine to another.

Next, Configure Endpoint and Proxies.

See Also

Standard Install

Step 1: Install the Gateway Server

Step 2: Configure the Gateway Connection on the MOVEit Transfer Server

Step 4: Configure the Firewall