Adding and editing a new SNMP v3 credential

The Credentials Library stores community string information for SNMP devices in your WhatsUp Gold database to be used whenever a read or write community string is needed to monitor a device. For more information, see Using Credentials.

To add or edit a new SNMP v3 credential:

  1. From the WhatsUp Gold web interface, go to Admin > Credentials. The Credentials Library appears.
  2. Click New to create a new credential or from the list of current credentials, select the credential you want to change, then click Edit.
  3. Enter or select the appropriate information:
    • Name. Enter a unique name for the credential. This name displays in the Credentials Library.
    • Description. (Optional) Enter additional information about the credential. This information displays next to the credential in the Credentials Library.
    • Username. Enter the username that is configured for the SNMP agent. This username is included in every SNMP packet in the authentication header. An SNMP device, upon reception of a packet, uses this username to look for configured authentication and encryption parameters and applies them to the received message.
    • Context. Enter the context needed to identify specific SNMP instances on your network. This box is optional.
    • Authentication. If required, select the authentication protocol for this SNMP credential.
      • Protocol. Select the algorithm method for authenticating SNMP v3 packets. MD5 creates a 128 bit digital signature and SHA-1 creates a 160 bit digital signature.
      • Password. Enter the authentication password.
      • Confirm password. Re-enter the authentication password a second time for confirmation.
    • Encryption. If supported, and an authentication protocol was selected for the SNMP v3 device, select the encryption protocol for the SNMP credential.
      • Protocol. Select the algorithm method for encrypting SNMP v3 packets. DES56 uses a 56 bit encryption scheme and AES-128 uses a 128 bit encryption scheme.
      • Password. Enter the encryption password.
      • Confirm password. Re-enter the authentication password a second time for confirmation.
  4. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Selecting a credential type

Adding and editing a new SNMP v1 credential

Adding and editing a new SNMP v2 credential

Adding and editing a new Windows credential

Adding and editing a new ADO credential

Adding and editing a new Telnet credential

Adding and Editing a New SSH Credential

Adding and editing a new VMware credential

Adding and editing a new JMX credential