Adding and editing a new Telnet credential

The Credentials Library allows you to create a new Telnet credential type for use with WhatsUp Gold and WhatsConfigured plug-in. For more information, see Using Credentials.

To add or edit a new Telnet credential:

  1. From the WhatsUp Gold web interface, go to Admin > Credentials. The Credentials Library appears.
  2. Click New to create a new credential or from the list of current credentials, select the credential you want to change, then click Edit.
  3. Enter the appropriate information:
    • Name. Enter a unique name for the credential. This name displays in the Credentials Library.
    • Description. (Optional) Enter additional information about the credential. This information displays next to the credential in the Credentials Library.
    • Password. Enter a password. This password is used with the above username to authenticate to the device.
    • Confirm password. Re-enter the authentication password for confirmation.
    • Enable/privilege password. Enter the password that enables the router to go to privileged EXEC mode, enabling you to configure the router. If the username and password provided above provide the privilege needed to run the required commands, the enable/privilege password is not needed.
    • Confirm enable/privilege password. Re-enter the authentication privilege password for confirmation.
    • Port. Enter the Telnet port associated with the router. The default Telnet port is 23.
    • Timeout. Enter a timeout (in seconds) for the length of time the connection should be attempted. The default timeout is 10 seconds.
  4. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Selecting a credential type

Adding and editing a new SNMP v1 credential

Adding and editing a new SNMP v2 credential

Adding and editing a new SNMP v3 credential

Adding and editing a new Windows credential

Adding and editing a new ADO credential

Adding and Editing a New SSH Credential

Adding and editing a new VMware credential

Adding and editing a new JMX credential