Assigning an action policy to an APM instance or component

After APM actions, action policies, and blackout policies are created, you can assign an action policy to an application instance or component.

To assign an action policy to an application instance or component:

  1. From the APM Configuration tab, in the Application Profiles navigation tree, select the application profile component for which you want to add an action policy. The Application Instances appear.
  2. Select the instance for which you want to add an action policy, then clcik Edit.
    Adding Action Policy to a component
    The Components page appears.
  3. In the Action Policy box, select the Action Policy you want to apply to all of the components in the instance.
    Select Action Policy for an instance
    - or -
    In the Components section below, expand a component you want to apply to a specific component.
    Select Action Policy for a component

See Also

APM actions

Working with action policies in APM

Creating an action policy in APM

Managing Action Policies

Working with actions in APM

Working with blackout policies in APM

Working with application states