Adding and Editing an APC UPS Performance Monitor

Global performance monitors are configured in the Performance Monitor Library and can be applied to a device via its Device Properties dialog.

This monitor collects statistical output power usage information and graphs APC UPS power utilization over time.

This monitor detects when UPS devices are close to maximum performance level, and what time of day networking devices connected to UPS devices are using the most power--both indicating the need to equally distribute the load across several UPS devices.

To add or edit an APC UPS performance monitor:

  1. Click the Admin tab, then click Monitor Library. The Monitor Library dialog appears.
  2. Click the Performance tab. The Performance Monitor list appears.
  3. Click New and select APC UPS Performance Monitor to create a new APC UPS performance monitor. Click OK.
    - or -
    Select the APC UPS performance monitor you want to change from the list of current monitors, and then click Edit.
  4. Type or select the appropriate information in the following fields.
    • Name. Type a name for the performance monitor. This name displays in the Performance Monitor Library.
    • Description. Type a short description for the monitor. This description displays next to the monitor in the Performance Monitor Library.
  5. Click OK to save changes.
  6. After the monitor has been added to the library, you can enable the monitor through Device Properties > Performance Monitors. For more information, see Enabling global performance monitors.

See Also

Creating global custom performance monitors

Creating global SNMP performance monitors

Creating global WMI performance monitors

Creating global SSH performance monitors