Report column sizing and sorting

All full report columns can be resized. You can resize a report column by clicking on the edge of the report title box and moving it either left or right.

When a report column is resized, the new size is saved and used again each time the report is viewed.

Most full report columns can be sorted. You can sort by left-clicking a column heading. The report column then automatically sorts itself either ascending or descending. The column's sort direction is indicated with an upward, or downward pointing arrow.

The report next to the column title indicates which direction the column is sorted.

As in column sizing, column sorting settings are saved and are used again each time the report is viewed.

Both column sizing and sorting are maintained on a per user basis, and only for the report in which the column changes are made.

See Also

Using Full Reports

Learning about full reports

List of full reports

About report refresh intervals

Changing the report date range

Filtering report data by page

Adding a report to your list of favorites