At both the bottom and the top of the reports that include tables exist report paging controls that allow you to move through extensive amounts of report data with ease. First, use the Page list to select the specific page for which to view report data. Next, use the Showing ___ rows per page list to specify the number of rows that you would like displayed in the report. You can choose to display 25, 50, 1000, 250, or 500 rows. The default maximum is 50 rows. Finally, the Paging buttons allow you to move from page to page, or go to the first or last page.
Use to go to the first record. |
Use to go to previous records. |
Use to go to next records. |
Use to go to the last record. |
Tip: The Preferences (GO > Configure > Preferences) dialog includes a Max Records setting that allows users to specify the default maximum number of records to display per page in a log report. You can select either 25, 50, 100, 250, or 500.