About the Interface Overview report

The Interface Overview report is a collection of Flow Monitor workspace reports that provide a summary of the traffic and utilization of a specific interface.

Flow Monitor Interface Overview report

The Interface Overview consists of individual Flow Monitor workspace reports that highlight both incoming and outgoing traffic and utilization for the selected interface.

By default, the report displays data for the last interface you selected from the Flow Source list.

Note: sFlow data is sent every x number of packets (configurable on the sFlow device), whereas typically all NetFlow data is collected and monitored. This means that sFlow data provides a sampling of network traffic data, whereas Flow data provides all network traffic data.
sFlow data sampling methods may result in Interface Overview and Interface Detail reports that appear to have more or less traffic than is shown in the Flow Monitor Home page source information. This is because the sampled data shown in the Interface Overview and Interface Detail reports are derived the sampled data and the Flow Monitor Home page source information is derived from the total interface traffic data.

There are several ways you can control the data shown in this report.

Tip: You can view the Interface Details report for the selected interface by clicking Interface Details at the top of the page.

See Also

Using Flow Monitor reports

About the Flow Monitor Reports tab

About the Interface Details report

About the Flow Monitor Log

About the Bandwidth Usage report

About the Interface Usage report

About the NBAR and CBQoS Reports

Using Scheduled Reports: printing, exporting, and emailing reports