Adding attributes to a device

To add attributes to a device:

  1. In the Device List or Map View, right-click a device, then click Properties. The Device Properties dialog appears.
  2. Click Attributes. The Attributes dialog appears.

    Device Property Attributes dialog

  3. Use the following options:
    • Click Add to add a new device attribute. The Add Attribute dialog appears.
    • Select a device attribute in the list, then click Edit to change the settings.
    • Select a device attribute in the list, then click Remove to remove it from the list.
  4. Enter information in the Attribute name and Attribute value boxes.
  5. Click OK to save changes.

Related Topics

Device Properties - Attributes

Device overview

Adding a new device

See Also

Adding a new device

Adding additional network interfaces to a device

Adding notes to a device

Changing a device IP address

Changing a device name

Changing Device Types