About the Device View

This view provides an overview of each device in a selected group. Each device's icon provides information about its status. In addition, the Status column indicates which specific active monitor is down and the duration of the interruption. When the entry in the Device list is a group folder, the Status column shows the number of devices in the group with a breakdown of how many devices are in each device state.

Note: Dynamic groups will not show information about the number of devices in a group or a breakdown of how many devices are in each device state in the Status column. For more information, see Using Dynamic Groups.

Following is an example of a device list.

The indicators in the Display Name column show the current state of the items in this group.

See Also

Managing Devices

Viewing network devices and data

Device overview

Using Credentials

Learning about the Device Properties

Adding a new device

Cloning a device

Using Device Groups

About Polling

Using Acknowledgements

Using Maps

Creating custom context Menus

Configuring multiple devices with the Bulk Field Change feature

Performing a device search using Find Device