Class-Based QoS Usage

Class-Based QoS Usage report reveals class-based quality of service (CBQoS) metrics within your network, where "class" denotes a traffic stream that can be identified by different criteria such as interface, port, and so on. This report indicates the effectiveness of class-based policies applied for specific traffic classes, which are used to prioritize and shape network traffic patterns. Note that class-based policies can be applied to specific interfaces and traffic direction.

Class-Based QoS Usage chart data reflect the following:

Note: You must have defined QoS classes and policies on the source device before this report is able to display results.

Note: The CBQoS information generated by the source device must be gathered using SNMP polling for CBQoS information.

Generate a report

Choose source. , Choose a networking device or single physical or virtual interface you want to see Class-Based QoS Usage measurements for. Choose traffic direction across an interface.

Choose time constraints. DateRange Choose times for the Class-Based QoS Usage. (Subject to NTA collection interval and retention policies.)

Choose, filter, and reorder columns. Choose, hide, and reorder columns to customize your data view.

Tip: The totals for this report are gathered by direct polling selected interfaces running on the target device. Advanced Filters can be applied only for reports generated from flow summary data.

Chart, adjust output, and visualize. WUG17.0N-SP2-REPORTS-SETTINGS-IMG Fine tune report presentation and range of values displayed using the Report Settings WUG17.0N-SP2-REPORTS-SETTINGS-IMG dialog (optional).

Share, export, and save as PDF

Most generated Class-Based QoS Usage report data can be printed, shared, and exported when selecting Expand (Full_Screen_Transparent) from the Dashboard Options (DasboardOptions) menu. After the report has been expanded, select export (WUG17.0N-SP2-IMG-EXPORT_REPORT_DATA) to access the following options:

See Also

Network Traffic



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Interface Usage

NBAR Applications - Flow Details

NBAR Applications - Interface Totals

NTA Types of Services (ToS)

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