Disk Utilization (Performance)

Disk Utilization (Performance) monitor provides disk capacity and utilization metrics. It is a core WhatsUp Gold performance monitor that cannot be removed from the Monitors Library. This monitor requires SNMP or Windows (WMI) credentials. If you collect from a VMware environment, you will need VMware credentials.

Note: If you want to return disk utilization metrics for a Hyper-V guest VM, you must enable the VM to record WMI or SNMP metrics as described in a community article titled Hyper-V Disk Utilization Information May Not Be Available. Outside of this requirement, WhatsVirtual also provides read/write metrics in the Virtual Machines Disk Activity report. (The Virtual Machines Disk Activity monitor is a default monitor added to devices exhibiting the VM role).

Tip: This community article (Requirements for Remote WMI Access) details how to enable WMI on the device(s) you want to poll.

  1. Configure the following fields from the Device Properties view.
    • Protocol. Choose a Network Management protocol to use for performance metrics.
    • Collect data for. Specify either of the following:
      • Specific disks to collect metrics for.
      • All Disks.
    • Data collection interval. Specify polling frequency.
    • Advanced Options. You can select Timeout, Retry, and disk identification (Disk Uniqueness), which is how it will be identified in the table grid in the disk utilization reports.
  2. Click OK to save the monitor settings for this device.

See Also

Performance Monitors

Active Script (Performance)

APC UPS (Performance)

AWS CloudWatch (Performance)

Azure Cloud (Performance)

Azure Cloud (Billing and Usage)

CPU Utilization (Performance)

PowerShell Scripting

Printer Ink/Toner Performance Monitor

Hyper-V Virtual Machine Disk Activity

JMX (Performance)

Interface Utilization

Memory Utilization (Performance)

Ping Latency and Availability

SNMP (Performance)

SQL Query (Performance)

SSH (Performance)

VMware Datastore IOPS

Windows Performance Counter

Configuring WMI Formatted Counter monitors

WMI Performance Monitor

Hyper-V Event Log Monitor

Hyper-V Host Virtual Machines Monitor