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Step 6: Configuring IIS for Log Viewing

If you are using Microsoft IIS as your web server and you want to view logs in WS_FTP Server's Log Viewer, you must complete the following steps on all machines on which WS_FTP Server is installed:

  1. Create a Windows Domain User on the Domain Controller that responds to authentication requests. For Domain, use the domain on which the Windows Servers are located. For User name, select a user name that describes the purpose of the account.

    The Domain account should have access full access to this directory:
    Windows (64-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\WWWROOT
    Windows (32-bit): C:\Program Files\Progress\WWWROOT

  2. Give the newly created user Read access to the Shared location where the logs are located. See Setting Sharing and Security Permissions in Windows Server for details on how to do this.
  3. Open IIS, and under Default Web Site select WSFTPSVR.
  4. Double-click Authentication in the right-window and then edit Anonymous Authentication.
  5. Change Specific user from the local IPS Account and set it to use the Domain account you just created.

    When installing WS_FTP Server using IIS, a local IPS_account is created and is used by default for anonymous authentication of the WSFTPSVR IIS application.

  6. Once done, restart IIS for the changes to take effect.

See Also

Configuring a Failover Solution Using Microsoft Network Load Balancing



Step 1: Configure the NLB Failover Solution

Step 2: Install WS_FTP on Both Nodes

Step 3: Configure Web Transfer and Ad Hoc Transfer Modules on Both Nodes

Step 4: Edit Progress Registry Settings on Both Nodes

Step 5: Configure Progress Services to Restart on Failure

Step 7: Configure the Logging Server

Step 8: Test the Failover Cluster (NLB)