If you are using Microsoft IIS as your web server and you want to view logs in WS_FTP Server's Log Viewer, you must complete the following steps on all machines on which WS_FTP Server is installed:
Create a Windows Domain User on the Domain Controller that responds to authentication requests. For Domain, use the domain on which the Windows Servers are located. For User name, select a user name that describes the purpose of the account.
The Domain account should have access full access to this directory: Windows (64-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\WWWROOT Windows (32-bit):C:\Program Files\Progress\WWWROOT
Open IIS, and under Default Web Site select WSFTPSVR.
Double-click Authenticationin the right-window and then edit Anonymous Authentication.
Change Specific user from the local IPS Account and set it to use the Domain account you just created.
When installing WS_FTP Server using IIS, a local IPS_account is created and is used by default for anonymous authentication of the WSFTPSVR IIS application.
Once done, restart IIS for the changes to take effect.