The IMail Web Client main page initially displays a Today tab configurable by your IMail Administrator. Selecting an item in the folder tree will open a new tab and display your Email, Calendars, Contacts, Notes, Tasks, RSS Feeds and Websites.
The IMail Web Client has a multitude of user options to allow the user more user flexibility and control of their mail. Go to Action > Manage User Options to begin customizing your new web client to suit your needs.
Today tab. Initial default tab. Displays a space utilization chart if disk space limits have been configured. Selecting new items from the Navigation Folder Tree will generate new tabs allowing capability to return to a previous page without reloading data again.
Note: By default, the maximum new tabs allowed to be open in one session is 10. This setting is only configurable by your IMail Administrator.
Action. Click to select one of the following:
Note: The Compose New Message Link is configurable to appear within your Action drop down menu, or on the Main Menu (set by default). Go to Action > Manager User Options > General Options and uncheck Main Menu Bar to have Compose appear within the Action drop down menu.
Compose. (Set by default to appear on main page) Click to open a new tab for a new mail message.
Note: Go to Action > Manager User Options > General Options and uncheck Main Menu Bar to have Compose moved to appear under Action.
Admin. (Appears only for System Administrators, Domain Administrators and List Administrators) Click to open a new window for the Ipswitch Web Administration home page.
Help. Click to open a new window containing help for your IMail Web Client.
Log Out. Click to end your session with the IMail Web Client and return to the Web Client Login Page.
Note: User Options can be accessed at Action > Manage User Options.
Note: Inbound Rules can be accessed and managed at Action > Manage Mail Rules.
Total Mailbox sizes. Total mailbox size and total message count can be obtained by hovering your mouse of the Email which can be found directly under your User Name at the top of the navigation folder.
Individual Mailbox sizes. Individual mailbox size and count can be obtained by hovering your mouse over any mailbox found within the navigation folder.