Lite Web Client Help

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Add Subfolder

To create a folder at your root level:

  1. From the Main Menu click Mail Folders. Select the Add Folder option from the "Folder List Actions" drop down list.
  2. This will pop-up a dialog window script, asking you to enter a new folder name.
  3. Enter the new name and click OK.
  4. Your screen will refresh, and the new folder should appear a the root level.

To create a folder within another folder:

  1. From the Main Menu click Mail Folders. Select an existing mail folder you would like the new mail folder to be created and select Add Subfolder from the "Folder List Actions" drop down list.
  2. A pop-up dialog window will appear, asking you to enter a new folder name.
  3. Enter the new name and click OK.
  4. Your screen will refresh, and the new folder should appear, with the parent mail folder displaying within the new mail folder path.

Note: You cannot create new folders with the following names: Inbox, Sent, Deleted, and Drafts. These folder names are used by the system.

Related Topics

Rename Folder

Delete Folder

Viewing Message Folders