Lite Web Client Help

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Address Books

The Address Book contains all your Personal Contacts and Public Contacts.

Use Contacts to add and manage contacts in your Ipswitch Web Client. View Contacts from your Main Menu > Address Books.

Important. Contact group functionality has been limited due to program complexity. Adding a contact to an existing group is limited to email address only. Creating groups is not permitted in the Lite Web Client Help. To create and update groups the regular Web Client must be used, by unchecking the "Use Lite Web Client" checkbox at the login page.

Shared Contact Folders

The shared contacts can be identified by the parentheses with the shared user's name. This indicates that you have been given access to that user's folder. This will assist you in distinguishing between your own personal and public contacts and those who are sharing their contacts with you.

Personal Contacts

When you open your Contacts, a list displays all your contacts. You can view or edit additional contact information for each contact entry by clicking on the contact to modify.

To Add a Contact:

Tip: You can also add a new contact or multiple contacts by going to your Action > User Options > Composing Messages and selecting the Automatically Add Recipients as Contacts option. This will add all recipients in every new message as a contact if it does not already exist.

Tip: Another way to add a new contact is via the Add to Address Book icon in the Hidden Header area of a displayed message. Click the icon to add the sender to your contact list.

View or Edit a Contact:

Delete Contact

You can delete a contact from your Contacts list. When you delete a contact, if you are using IMail Collaboration, the contact is removed from your Outlook contacts list the next time Outlook synchronizes with the IMail Collaboration data.

  1. On the Contacts page, click on the Contact Actions drop down and select Delete.
  2. Confirm Deletion page opens, click OK to delete the contact.

Related Topics

Public Contacts

Addressing a Message

Composing New Message


Mail Folders




Manage User Options

Manage Away Message

Change Password