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Schedule Tour

To create a schedule that will be generated automatically and delivered to the recipients of your choice, visit the Schedule tab. You can deliver a template one time, or on a recurring basis. The schedule recipients can be Ipswitch Analytics users or user groups, external email addresses, or the Library.

When you first enter the Schedule tab, you see a list of all schedules, including the schedule's name, description, template, next run, last result, status and details. Initially the list will be empty, but as you create schedules they will appear here.

Embedded OLE File Template, D35, H100

You can filter the schedules list to view only schedules that have a specific status, such as scheduled, paused, completed, failed, or blocked schedules.

You can select any schedule in the list and then click:

To create a new schedule, click Create and select from a list of available templates to use as your basis. When the report is scheduled to run, it will use the template you specify when you first create the schedule.

Embedded OLE File Template, D75, H100

Enter details about the schedule:

Embedded OLE File Template, D50, H100

The following topics describe how to work with schedules in greater detail:

Schedule Reports for Delivery
Create a Schedule
Edit a Schedule
Pause or resume a schedule
Delete a Schedule