Create Ipswitch Analytics Mailbox Throttling Policy for IMAP Throttling Relief
By default, Exchange 2013 has global threshold values that are configured to limit throughput by connection type. There are specific configurations for each of the connection types by which clients can connect to Exchange. The default threshold values for IMAP clients are too low for the Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Support Exchange Mailbox. Exchange 2013 supports Mailbox-specific threshold settings.
The figures (outside of the concurrency value) are measured in milliseconds and represent the amount of time over a 1 hour period.
The max burst value represents the amount of time that can be spent before any throttling is done (microdelays).
The recharge rate shows how much budget will be added over a 1 hour period (constant process).
The cutoff balance represents the amount of budget that can be used after which a backoff request (exception) is generated.