Perform the following tasks in the order listed.
Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox User Principal Name
with the actual Mailbox user principal name (email address as user@domain)<
Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox Password>
with the actual Mailbox password.<
Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox Database>
with the actual Mailbox Database name.New-Mailbox -Alias "IpswitchAnalytics" -Name "
Ipswitch Analytics" -DisplayName "Ipswitch Analytics" -UserPrincipalName "
<Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox User Principal Name>" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String ‘
<Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox Password>’ -AsPlainText -Force) -Database "
<Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox Database>" -ThrottlingPolicy IpswitchAnalyticsThrottlingPolicy -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $false
<Ipswitch Exchange Mailbox Recoverable Items Quota>
for the actual Recoverable Items Quota. <Ipswitch Exchange Mailbox Recoverable Items Warning Quota>
for the actual Recoverable Items QuotaSet-Mailbox "IpswitchAnalytics" -RetainDeletedItemsFor 0 -RecoverableItemsWarningQuota
<Ipswitch Exchange Mailbox Recoverable Items Warning Quota>GB -RecoverableItemsQuota
<Ipswitch Exchange Mailbox Recoverable Items Quota>GB -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $true -RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled $true -UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults $false -CalendarVersionStoreDisabled $true -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false -RetentionPolicy "IpswitchAnalyticsRetentionPolicy" -ProhibitSendQuota 'unlimited' -SingleItemRecoveryEnabled $false
Get-Mailbox <Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox User Principal name> | Format-List -Property SAMAccountName
Set-ADUser "<Ipswitch Analytics Exchange User SAMAccountName>" -PasswordNeverExpires $true
Important: If the Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Mailbox password is ever changed, you must reconfigure the Ipswitch Analytics Exchange Agent with the new password. For more information, see Modify an Ipswitch Analytics Agent (in the Administrator Guide).