MOVEit Mobile, which requires a separate license, enables users to securely transfer large files and large numbers of files using their mobile devices (which connect to your organization's MOVEit server).
MOVEit offers both email-style and folder-based transfers. Depending on your organization and your permissions, users might have access to one of these or both methods. With both, users are able to send and receive packages and access their files securely from their iOS and Android devices.
The mobile app supports registered users with these capabilities:
Navigating through the folder structure
Uploading and downloading files, which includes opening them in other applications
Sending and receiving secure packages
The mobile web supports unregistered (Guest/Temporary) users with the ability to receive and send secure packages.
This topic covers the mobile implementation for administrators, including server and app installation and configuration. It also describes both the mobile web and the mobile app, and when each is used. It provides both links to major topics and specific procedures and tips administrators can give to end users. Finally, it also includes some information about using mobile in conjunction with the full web interface and with the Outlook client interface.
MOVEit DMZ and MOVEit Mobile Server Architecture
MOVEit DMZ and the MOVEit Mobile Server are installed on the same application server node; in the case of Web Farms, multiple nodes are used.
Microsoft IIS is the application server software that runs MOVEit DMZ. IIS also serves as MOVEit DMZ's HTTP server, taking connection requests from desktop browsers.
Apache Tomcat is the application server software that runs MOVEit Mobile. Tomcat also serves as MOVEit Mobile's HTTP server, taking connection requests from mobile browsers and apps.
MOVEit Mobile, in turn, interacts with MOVEit DMZ through the MOVEit API.
Refer to the following architecture diagram for the overall context of your installation and operation activities.
Server Installation and Deployment
This is an overview of how to install and deploy MOVEit DMZ and MOVEit Mobile on each MOVEit Application Server node, and configure the MOVEit system for mobile.
Note: You do not need a Mobile interface license to install mobile, but you need it in order to operate mobile.
To install MOVEit and MOVEit Mobile on each MOVEit DMZ node:
Install MOVEit DMZ or upgrade to the latest version on each node. MOVEit DMZ 8 is the minimum version required for MOVEit Mobile. (See MOVEit DMZ Installation Guide.)
Note: If you install MOVEit DMZ in a Virtual Directory, see the note under MOVEit System Configuration below.
Note: The install wizard includes possibly changing the Tomcat HTTP and HTTPS connector ports and an optionally specifying an IP address or hostname. (Any changes you make you will also need to make in during System Configuration in the Mobile URL.)
Note: For each node in a Web Farm deployment (see Web Farms), use the Logon Information step within the installation wizard to specify the username and password of the Windows user account that will log on to run the Mobile Server. (See MOVEit Mobile Server Installation Guide.)
Configure your firewall to enable the TCP ports for MOVEit Mobile client connections, as configured in during the installtion. The default ports are 8080 for HTTP and 8443 for HTTPS. (See System Configuration - Firewall Configuration.)
Check the Licensing tab to verify the Mobile Interface license is installed.
Note: If the license is not installed, obtain the updated license file and install it using the Import function in the Licensing tab.
Check the Status tab to see if the Mobile service is running.
MOVEit System Configuration
Perform MOVEit System Configuration (as SysAdmin) for Mobile. Specifically, change (if necessary) the Mobile URL to match the mobile server installation, and change the default mobile settings as desired for all new organizations.
Note: If, during mobile server installation, the Tomcat HTTP and HTTPS connector ports were changed or if an IP address or hostname was specified, you must make corresponding changes in the Mobile URL.
Note: If MOVEit DMZ server installation was to a Virtual Directory, you must remove the name of the virtual directory from the Base URL as configured in Mobile URL (although the name of the virtual directory will be in the URL users use to connect to MOVEit DMZ and MOVEit Mobile). See Orgs - [Org] - Profile - Mobile URL for details.
To perform SysAdmin configuration:
Open the URL for MOVEit DMZ and sign on as SysAdmin.
Go to Orgs and select an Organization. Check the Mobile URL in Orgs - [Org] - Profile - Mobile URL. If needed, click Change Information and configure Mobile URL.
Repeat step 2 as needed for additional organizations.
Optionally, set new defaults for new Organizations. Select the "System" organization and perform steps 2 through 4 from the following procedure.
Note: You can also configure the first two of these policies (accessing Mobile and for caching of device credentials) for individual users. Go to Web Interface - Users - Profile, and click Mobile Policy to make the edits.
Certified Devices and Supported Mobile OS Versions
Certified Devices
The following device models have been fully certified for use with the MOVEit Mobile App and Web interface:
iOS phones: iPhone 5 iPhone 4S, iPhone 4G with OS 6+
iOS tablets: iPad (3rd/4th generation), iPad 2, iPad mini
Android phones:Samsung Galaxy S III; Google Nexus 4; HTC One X+, HTC Droid DNA
Android tablets:Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7", Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10"; Google Nexus 7", Google Nexus 10"
iPhone 4G with iOS 5.1.1 – We have identified significant issues with this device/iOS combination.
Samsung Galaxy Note II – We have identified some issues with this device, including some keyboard display problems.
Older devices – Mobile might not work correctly with some devices that are generally older than the certified device versions.
Specific software issue:
The stock browser on Android 4.1 (Jellybean) does not support the Swype predictive keyboard; if it is your default browser, it affects MOVEit Mobile's input fields and text areas. Avoid using Swype on this version or switch your default browser to Chrome.
Org Admin Instructions to Registered Users
Here is a starting set of information and instructions that you can revise and then provide to registered users regarding the installation and configuration of the app.
Before you start:
Check with your organization administrator for the mobile operating systems and devices supported by Ipswitch and by your organization. Mobile might not work correctly with some older devices.
Check with your organization administrator about whether Quick sign on is available to you and whether it is required or recommended for you or not.
Instructions for mobile users:
Go to the online app store for your device (iTunes or Android). Search for Managed File Transfer to locate the MOVEit app. Install the MOVEit app.
Note: Optionally choose to install a file manager app, as applicable, if your administrator suggests this for you.
Start the app with on the home screen of your device.
In the One time configuration screen, enter the Server URL. Use the same URL that you would enter into a browser to access MOVEit. (The system automatically redirects mobile requests as needed.)
Also in that screen, select your preferred Language.
Note: Signing on with this language will change the language in your MOVEit user profile (for use with the MOVEit desktop web interface and other user interfaces). Admin users must use English to be able to sign on. The Sign on screen itself does not provide a change language option.
Tap Save Preferences. The Sign on screen opens.
Enter your MOVEit username and password.
Note: Admin users are not allowed to sign on with any other language than English. If the current language is non-English, sign on as a non-Admin user and change the language to English. Alternatively on Android, clear data for the app in an app manager, and then select English in the One time configuration screen.
Tap Sign on. The Menu screen opens.
After you sign on, you can tap Help for online help on common user activities.
Tap for Settings. If your administrator has made Quick sign on is available, and depending on organization policy or recommendations, select Quick sign on, to create a PIN.
Note: Five failed PIN entries will require users to reset their username and password before continuing.
Note: While the PIN is set, there is no way to sign on as a different user or to a different org. If a PIN is established, the user who set the PIN must sign on to remove the PIN before another org can be selected or another user sign on. In other words, while a PIN is in place, the MOVEit app on that device is dedicated exclusively to that one user account and org.
In Settings, optionally set Network preferences, to set whether or not to use a data plan for file transfers (as opposed to WiFi), and if so, whether to prompt you every time or not.
Here are some other points to be aware of:
Opening an emailed URL link in a New Package Notification or New File Notification opens the app.
While in MOVEit mobile, when opening a file, you might get an app chooser dialog that lists MOVEit itself. Choose another app to open the file, and optionally indicate if you want to always use the selected app to open that type of file.
When you attach a picture to a package or upload a picture (or if you take a picture to attach or upload), the photo is automatically named sequentially (such as cdv_photo_001.jpg), not with the date and time that the picture was taken. You are not given an opportunity to change the name within the mobile app.
On Android, if you take a picture to attach or upload, and the send or upload fails, you are prompted about whether you want to save the picture locally or discard the picture. (With iOS, the picture is discarded.)
Mobile Web Use
The mobile web serves users who do not have the installed app on their mobile device. It was primarily designed with unregistered users in mind. That is why it presents the Packages function but not the Files function. However, the mobile web can also be used by registered users to access packages from a mobile device that does not have the app installed.
Note: Attaching files from the device is not supported in the mobile web.
Be aware of the following use cases for unregistered users using the mobile web (without the mobile app being installed on device):
Unregistered recipient, as a guest user, opening an emailed URL link in a New Package Notification. The Sign on page opens, and they enter the password they have been sent or told about. After sign on, the package is displayed. There is no access to the Menu screen.
Unregistered recipient, temporary user, opening an emailed URL link in a New Package Notification. The Sign on page opens, and they enter the password they have been sent or told about. After sign on, the package is typically displayed. However, they can access the Menu screen.
Temporary user going back to use MOVEit.
A registered user, opening an emailed URL link in a New Package Notification or New File Notification.
Switching from Mobile Web the Full Site
The mobile web offers a link to the Full Site. This is useful for:
Administrators who want to use configuration functions
Registered users who do not have the app installed on a device but wish to access the Files functionality
Unregistered users who would like to attach files to packages and send them