Using the FTP Monitor

This active monitor performs upload, download, and delete tasks on designated FTP servers to ensure that the FTP servers are functioning properly. You can configure a single monitor to perform all three tasks, but note that if any one of the tasks fails, the entire monitor is considered down.

Note: We recommend that you create a separate FTP monitor for each FTP server you are monitoring--unless the same username and password are used for each of the servers.

Note: This feature is only available in WhatsUp Gold Premium Edition. To update your license, visit the MyIpswitch portal.

To configure an FTP Monitor:

  1. Go to the Active Monitor Library.
    • From the web interface, click GO. The GO menu appears.
    • If the WhatsUp section is not visible, click WhatsUp. The WhatsUp section of the GO menu appears.
    • Select Configure > Active Monitor Library. The Active Monitor Library appears.

      - or -

    • From the main menu bar of the console, select Configure > Active Monitor Library. The Active Monitor Library appears.
  2. In the Active Monitor Library, do one of the following:
    • Click New. The Select Active Monitor Type dialog appears.
    • Select FTP Monitor from the list, then click OK. The Add FTP Monitor dialog appears.

      - or -
      Select an existing FTP Monitor, then click Edit. The monitor properties dialog appears.

  3. Enter or select the appropriate information in the following fields.
    • Name. Enter a name for the monitor. This name is displayed in the Active Monitor Library.
    • Description. Enter a short description for the monitor. This description is displayed next to the monitor name in the Active Monitor Library.

      Server Settings

      • FTP Server. Enter the device address of the FTP server for which the FTP monitor is configured. The monitor will perform tasks on this FTP server.
      • Port. Enter the port over which the monitor should use to connect to the FTP server. The default port is 21.
      • Username. Enter the username used to log in to the FTP server for which the monitor is configured.
      • Password. Enter the password used to log in to the FTP server for which the monitor is configured.

        Important: You must specify an account with the appropriate user permissions for the file actions you select. For more information, see FTP user permissions.

      • Use Passive Mode. Select this option to instruct WhatsUp Gold to use passive (PASV) mode as it attempts to connect to the FTP server and then to perform the selected tasks. If you do not select this option, the monitor uses Active mode. This option is selected by default. For more information, see Active and Passive modes.

      File Actions

      • Upload. Select this option to have the active monitor upload a file to the designated FTP server. This option is selected by default.
      • Download. Select this option to have the active monitor download a file from the designated FTP server. This option is selected by default.
      • Delete. Select this option to have the active monitor delete a file from the designated FTP server. This option is selected by default.

    Note: You cannot select the Download or Delete options if you have not selected the Upload option.

    • Timeout (sec). Enter a timeout (in seconds) for the amount of time WhatsUp Gold should wait for each attempted task to complete. The default timeout is 3 seconds.
    • Use in Rescan. Select this option to have the monitor appear in the Active Monitor list on the Device Properties dialog. WhatsUp Gold will add the monitor type to the device during a rescan, which is launched using the Rescan button on the Device Properties dialog, if the protocol or service is active on the device.
  4. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Using premium active monitors

Using the APC UPS Monitor

Using the Email Monitor

Monitoring a Microsoft Exchange Server

Monitoring Microsoft Exchange 2003 Servers

Using the Fan Monitor

Using the File Properties Monitor

Using the Folder Monitor

Using the HTTP Content Monitor

Using the Network Statistics Monitor

Using the Power Supply Monitor

Using the Printer Monitor

Using the Process Monitor

Monitoring Microsoft SQL Server

Using the SQL Query Monitor

Monitoring WMI-enabled applications

Monitoring Mail Servers

About the VoIP Active Monitor