About Alert Center

WhatsUp Gold Alert Center handles alerting on performance monitors, passive monitors, WhatsUp Gold system health, and WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor plug-in through user-configured thresholds and notification policies.


Thresholds are the benchmark mechanisms Alert Center uses to check against the database. If WhatsUp Gold finds that an aspect has exceeded or fallen below the parameters you set in a threshold, it is considered out of threshold. These out of threshold aspects are logged as items. You can find data for Alert Center items on the Alert Center Home page and in Alert Center reports. For more information, see Configuring Alert Center thresholds.

Notification policies

When an aspect goes out of threshold and is logged as an item, associated notification policies begin sending notifications to alert users of the problem. These policies can include multiple steps that begin at user-specified intervals to notify multiple people of persisting problems. After you have have fixed a problem, you can notify other users of the fix and stop subsequent steps of a running notification policy. For more information, see About notification policies.

Alert Center Home

Alert Center Home is Alert Center's control page. Similar to the WhatsUp Gold Home page, Alert Center Home displays threshold data in workspace reports. From these threshold workspace reports, you can update out of threshold items. For more information, see About Alert Center Home.

Alert Center reports

Alert Center reports can be used to troubleshoot and monitor Alert Center data. You can access Alert Center reports from the web interface's Reports tab. For more information, see Using Alert Center reports.

See Also

Using the Alert Center

Navigating Alert Center

About the Threshold Library

About the Alert Center Notification Library

About notification policies

Using Alert Center reports