Wireless workspace reports

Wireless workspace reports



Active Wireless Clients


Displays connection information about the wireless devices connected to the selected wireless access point (WAP).

Wireless Client Stats


Displays statistical information about the wireless devices connected to the selected wireless access point (WAP).

Wireless Log Messages


Displays log information about events and activities that occur on the selected wireless access point (WAP).

Wireless Details


Displays in-depth information about the selected wireless access point (WAP).

See Also

List of workspace reports

Alert Center workspace reports

CPU Utilization workspace reports

Custom Performance Monitor workspace reports

Disk Utilization workspace reports

General workspace reports

Interface Errors and Discards Workspace reports

Interface Utilization Workspace reports

Inventory workspace reports

Memory Utilization workspace reports

Performance-Historic workspace reports

Performance-Last Poll workspace reports

Ping Availability and Response Time workspace reports

Problem Areas workspace reports

Remote/Central workspace reports

Split Second Graph workspace reports

Threshold workspace reports

Top 10 workspace reports