Interface Errors and Discards Workspace reports

Interface Errors and Discards workspace reports



Interface Errors and Discards - Last Polled Values (single device)

Home / Device

Shows the interface errors and discards for the selected device's network interfaces at the time of the last poll.

Top 10 by Number of Errors


Lists the top 10 device interfaces with packet errors for inbound and outbound data during a selected time period.

Top 10 by Number of Discards


Lists the top 10 device interfaces with packet discards for inbound and outbound data during a selected time period.

Top 20 by Number of Errors


Lists the top 20 device interfaces with packet errors for inbound and outbound data during a selected time period.

Top 20 by Number of Discards


Lists the top 20 device interfaces with packet discards for inbound and outbound data during a selected time period.

Interface Errors - Last 4 Hours (single device)

Home / Device

Displays graphs that detail the percentage of interface errors for inbound and outbound packet data for all interfaces on a device during the last 4 hours.

Interface Errors - Last 8 Hours (single device)

Home / Device

Displays graphs that detail the percentage of interface errors for inbound and outbound packet data for all interfaces on a device during the last 8 hours.

Interface Errors - Last 7 Days (single device)

Home / Device

Displays graphs that detail the percentage of interface errors for inbound and outbound packet data for all interfaces on a device during the last 7 days.

Interface Errors - Last 30 Days (single device)

Home / Device

Displays graphs that detail the percentage of interface errors for inbound and outbound packet data for all interfaces on a device during the last 30 days.

Interface Discards - Last 4 Hours (single device)

Home / Device

Displays graphs that detail the percentage of interface discards for inbound and outbound packet data for all interfaces on a device during the last 4 hours.

Interface Discards - Last 8 Hours (single device)

Home / Device

Displays graphs that detail the percentage of interface discards for inbound and outbound packet data for all interfaces on a device during the last 8 hours.

Interface Discards - Last 7 Days (single device)

Home / Device

Displays graphs that detail the percentage of interface discards for inbound and outbound packet data for all interfaces on a device during the last 7 days.

Interface Discards - Last 30 Days (single device)

Home / Device

Displays graphs that detail the percentage of interface discards for inbound and outbound packet data for all interfaces on a device during the last 30 days.

Interface Errors - Last 4 Hours (specific interface)


Displays a graph that details the percentage of interface errors for inbound and outbound packet data for a specific interface on a device during the last 4 hours.

Interface Errors - Last 8 Hours (specific interface)


Displays a graph that details the percentage of interface errors for inbound and outbound packet data for a specific interface on a device during the last 8 hours.

Interface Errors - Last 7 Days (specific interface)


Displays a graph that details the percentage of interface errors for inbound and outbound packet data for a specific interface on a device during the last 7 days.

Interface Errors - Last 30 Days (specific interface)


Displays a graph that details the percentage of interface errors for inbound and outbound packet data for a specific interface on a device during the last 30 days.

Interface Discards - Last 4 Hours (specific interface)


Displays a graph that details the percentage of interface discards for inbound and outbound packet data for a specific interface on a device during the last 4 hours.

Interface Discards - Last 8 Hours (specific interface)


Displays a graph that details the percentage of interface discards for inbound and outbound packet data for a specific interface on a device during the last 8 hours.

Interface Discards - Last 7 Days (specific interface)


Displays a graph that details the percentage of interface discards for inbound and outbound packet data for a specific interface on a device during the last 7 days.

Interface Discards - Last 30 Days (specific interface)


Displays a graph that details the percentage of interface discards for inbound and outbound packet data for a specific interface on a device during the last 30 days.

See Also

List of workspace reports

Alert Center workspace reports

CPU Utilization workspace reports

Custom Performance Monitor workspace reports

Disk Utilization workspace reports

General workspace reports

Interface Utilization Workspace reports

Inventory workspace reports

Memory Utilization workspace reports

Performance-Historic workspace reports

Performance-Last Poll workspace reports

Ping Availability and Response Time workspace reports

Problem Areas workspace reports

Remote/Central workspace reports

Split Second Graph workspace reports

Threshold workspace reports

Top 10 workspace reports

Wireless workspace reports