Adding annotations to a map

Annotations are graphical objects that let you customize and visually organize a map view.

Available WhatsUp Gold map annotations include:

The Annotation toolbar is located at the top middle of the WhatsUp Gold console Map View.

Map View Annotation (Draw) Toolbar

Use this toolbar to add annotations and manipulate their properties, such as border width and color.

To use the Annotation tools:

  1. If you are not currently viewing Map View, select the Map View tab. Map View appears.
  2. In the Annotation toolbar, click an annotation icon to make it the active tool.
  3. Drag the cursor onto a map to place and configure the annotation.

To change Annotation tool properties:

  1. Select the annotation, then right-click. The right-click menu appears.
  2. Select Properties. The annotation Properties dialog appears.

See Also

Using Maps

Using the Map View

Organizing devices

Using link lines

Using attached lines

Using device types

Using grid properties

Grouping objects

Locking the position of map objects