Enabling the WhatsUp Gold web server

To start or stop the WhatsUp Gold web server:

  1. On the WhatsUp Gold console, select Configure > Program Options.
  2. On the Program Options dialog, select Web Server.

  3. Select Enable web server on port to start the server, or clear the option to stop the server.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.

You can change the port that the server runs on by changing the port number next to the Enable web server on port option. For more information, see Program Options - Web Server topic in the help.

Tip: To restart the web server, clear Enable web server on port and click OK to close the dialog. Then, open Program Options dialog again and select Enable web server on port again.

Tip: You can also restart the web server using the WhatsUp Services Controller. For more information, see About the WhatsUp Services Controller.

See Also

Using the Program Options

Enabling the polling engine

Enabling actions

Enabling performance monitors

Enabling WhatsVirtual event collection

Enabling the Ping Throttle

Enabling FIPS 140-2 mode

About the WhatsUp Gold default SSL certificates

Changing the device state colors or icons

Changing how long report data is stored

Selecting a display font

Changing clock/regional preferences

Changing the date and time format