Memory Utilization

Memory Utilization reports present minimum, maximum, and average memory utilization for one or more devices you specify.

Generate a report

Choose Device. Choose one or more host devices you want Memory Utilization measurements for. (Virtual machines show only allocated resources)

Choose time constraints. (DateRange,BusinessHours) Choose times for the Memory Utilization. (For recently observed measurements, select Last Polled from the Date Range DateRange drop down list.)

Sort and pick columns. Sort and pick columns.

Chart, adjust output, and visualize. WUG17.0N-SP2-REPORTS-SETTINGS-IMG Fine tune report presentation and range of values displayed using the Report Setting WUG17.0N-SP2-REPORTS-SETTINGS-IMG dialog (optional).

Note: This report only returns Memory Utilization metrics for devices that already have the appropriate WMI or SNMP credentials. For more information, see Using Credentials.

Note: Memory Utilization report only returns metrics for devices that already have the appropriate performance monitoring enabled. To enable these polled measurements, see Memory Utilization Monitor.

Share, export, and save as PDF

Most generated Memory Utilization report data can be printed, shared, and exported when selecting Expand (Full_Screen_Transparent) from the Dashboard Options (DasboardOptions) menu. After the report has been expanded, select export (WUG17.0N-SP2-IMG-EXPORT_REPORT_DATA) to access the following options:

See Also


CPU Utilization

Custom Performance Monitor

Disk Free Space

Disk Utilization

Interface Discards

Interface Errors

Interface Traffic

Interface Utilization

Ping Availability

Ping Packet Loss

Ping Response Time