Continuing procedures for installing WhatsUp Gold with Distributed features

WhatsUp Gold Distributed Edition extends the capabilities of WhatsUp Gold to multiple remote networks. The Distributed solution includes a WhatsUp Gold central installation and a WhatsUp Gold remote installation; the WhatsUp Gold central site installation coordinates data feeds from multiple remote site installations. The network data collected from remote sites can be viewed in WhatsUp Gold reports on the central site. Together, the central and remote installations provide high visibility to multiple networks from one central location.

WhatsUp Gold Distributed Edition gives managed solution providers the ability to monitor their customers' remote networks from a central location in the managed solution provider's network operations center. Managing multiple companies' networks at once has never been easier.

WhatsUp Gold Distributed Edition lets you configure and view reports associated with multiple monitored networks. Centralized reports, configured on the central site, gather key data from the remote sites. With WhatsUp Gold Distributed Edition's combined monitoring and reporting capabilities, you stay informed about the overall health of all networks.

If connectivity is lost between the central and remote sites, information from the last network scan is available on the central site. In this instance, each remote site continues to run an independent, full-featured version of WhatsUp Gold, and network data is gathered, regardless of the connection status between the remote and central sites.

All data communicated between the central and remote sites is transferred over secure socket layer (SSL) protocol to ensure that transmitted data is secure and confidential. Moreover, SSL communications between sites occur seamlessly, requiring no extra setup.

See Also


Security considerations

Product Installation

IMPORTANT: Order of operations for installing WhatsUp Gold using Failover AND Distributed features

Continuing procedures for installing WhatsUp Gold with failover features

Upgrading your WhatsUp Gold installation

Activating new or upgraded WhatsUp Gold licenses

Offline activation

Uninstalling WhatsUp Gold

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