Scan History
Scan History view lists discovery scan history. Use this view to traceback scans in the timeframe they were made, verify results, and re-run them.
Scan Operations
Scan history provides a dashboard-like interface where you can review, re-run, and manage scans.
- . Re-run/initiate a new discovery scan without navigating away from the page.
- //. Manage history log entries by selecting them, then clicking an operation.
- . Quit a scan after you kick it off.
- . Discovery scan identifier or profile name.
- . The specific type of action that resulted in the individual Scan History log entry.
- . The name of the user account which manually initiated the scan. Note, when a scan is automatically initiated by scheduled discovery, the name of the User displayed is Scheduled.
- . Date and time group when scan was initiated.
- . Network discovery status indicator. For example, Completed.
- . Devices WhatsUp Gold discovery connected to and opened an initial network connection with.
- . Devices specified either in IP address list or seeded this that yielded discovery results.
- . Number of devices where one or more credential instances in the credential list configured for discovery was successful.
- . Total addresses in the specified range scanned for.
- . Total addresses in the specified range responding to ping or port Discovery checks.
- . Total addresses in the specified range not responding to ping or port Discovery checks.
: Click the hyperlinked number in the Devices Found column to launch a report displaying the results of the individual scan. Information displayed includes device name, IP Address, assigned role, operating system, brand, credential types, and discovery status.