Using paging options

At both the bottom and the top of the monitor report or log table are paging controls that allow you to move through large amounts of data.

Use the Page list to select the specific page to view. Next, use the Showing ___ rows per page list to specify the number of rows to display in the report. You can choose to display 25, 50, 100, 250, or 500 rows. The default maximum is 50 rows.

The paging buttons allow you to move from page to page, or go to the first or last page:


To view:

Go to the first page of values

  • The first page of values

Go to the previous page of values

  • The previous page of values

Go to the next page of values

  • The next page of values

Go to the last page of values

  • The last page of values

See Also

Working with monitor reports

Viewing device reports

Viewing group reports

Changing the report date range

Using Business Hours settings in monitor reports

Viewing real-time data in monitor reports

About report refresh intervals

Changing the date range

Using the Zoom tool

Changing preferences

Using the WhatsUp Gold toolbar buttons

Configuring monitor report charts

Resizing and sorting report columns

Disabling Instant Info popups

Understanding the Graph Types