Configuring monitor report charts

To configure a chart in a monitor report:

  1. Click Chart Properties in the control bar. The Chart Properties dialog appears.
  2. Make any changes to the following settings:
    • Width. Enter the chart width (in pixels).
    • Height. Enter the chart height (in pixels).
    • Graph Type. Select the type of chart to display:
      • Bar
      • Line
      • Area
      • Spline
      • Stepline

    For more information on graph types, see Understanding the Graph Types.

    Tip: Auto scale is the best option when the minimum and maximum chart values are unknown.

    • Trend Type. Select the type of trend to display. This line shows the average value of data for the duration of the graph.
      Options include:
      • None
      • Line
      • Curve
    • Dimensions. Select whether to display the chart as a 2D or 3D graph.
    • Vertical Axis Scale. Select how you want the vertical axis (the Y axis) for the graph to display:
      • Auto Scale. Select to adjust the axis based on the minimum and maximum values displayed. When Auto Scale is selected, small changes in the data may appear as a large data spike. Use Auto Scale to make changes in graph data more visible for graphs that are typically flat and do not have a lot of data variation.
      • Fixed Scale. Select to show the data on the scale you enter in the Min and Max boxes.
    • Min. Enter the minimum value to display in the graph. By default, this is zero, but for certain data sets a different minimum value may be more relevant.
    • Max. Enter the maximum value to display in the graph. By default, this is 100, but for certain data sets a different maximum value may be more relevant.
  3. Click OK to accept the changes and close the dialog.

See Also

Working with monitor reports

Viewing device reports

Viewing group reports

Changing the report date range

Using Business Hours settings in monitor reports

Viewing real-time data in monitor reports

About report refresh intervals

Changing the date range

Using the Zoom tool

Using paging options

Changing preferences

Using the WhatsUp Gold toolbar buttons

Resizing and sorting report columns

Disabling Instant Info popups

Understanding the Graph Types