Adding and editing a SMS Action

The SMS Action sends a Short Message Service (SMS) notification to a pager or cell phone using an email gateway or dial-up modem. An SMS Action can also be used as an SMS notification in the WhatsUp Gold Alert Center.

To add or edit an SMS action:

  1. Click the Admin tab, then click Action Library.
  2. Click New and select SMS Action from the list to create a new program action. Click OK.
    - or -
    Select the action you want to change from the list of current actions, and then click Edit.
  3. Type or select the appropriate information in the following fields.
    • Name. Type a name for the action. This name displays in the Action Library.
    • Description. Type a short description. This description displays next to the action in the Action Library.
    • Country. Using the list box, select the country for the SMS provider.
    • Provider. Using the list box, select the desired provider.

    Note: If the provider list is incomplete and/or incorrect, you can click the Providers browse button to add, edit, or delete providers in this list.

    • Mode. Either Email or Dialup, depending on how the Provider was created in the system.
    • Email to. If the connection setting is Email, type the email address of the SMS device.
    • Phone Number. If the connection setting is Dialup, type the phone number to call with the message. You can enter multiple phone numbers, separated by a comma. There is a 2,000 character limit in this field, so you can enter many numbers.

    Note: Non-numeric characters such as "-" and "." are ignored.

  4. The New/Edit SMS Action dialog contains two tabs. Select a tab to configure message settings.
    • The Message tab contains options pertaining to the message sent as the result of an active or passive monitor.
      • Message. Type a text message plus any desired percent variable codes. If you use percent variables, character count is greatly increased.

    Note: If the message exceeds 140 characters, the message is broken into up to 3 parts and is sent as separate messages. ("1 of 3", "1 of 2", etc.)

    Tip: Click Mobile Device Status to insert a link to the device status in the message.

    • The Alert Center Message tab contains options pertaining to the message that is to be sent from an WhatsUp Gold Alert Center notification.
      • Alert Center Message. Type a text message plus any desired percent variable codes. If you use percent variables, character count is greatly increased.

    Note: If the message exceeds 140 characters, the message is broken into up to 3 parts and is sent as separate messages. ("1 of 3", "1 of 2", etc.)

    Tip: To enter Alert Center Percent variables, right-click inside the message box.

  5. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Configuring an action

Adding and editing an Active Script Action

Adding and editing a Beeper Action

Adding and editing a Log to Text File Action

Adding and editing a Pager Action

Adding and editing a Program Action

Adding and editing a SMS Direct Action

Adding and editing a SSH Action

Adding and editing a Syslog Action

Adding and editing a Text-To-Speech Action

Adding and Editing a VMware Action

Using the Email Action

Adding and editing a SNMP Set Action

Adding and editing a Sound Action

Adding and editing a Service Restart Action

Adding and Editing a Web Alarm Action

Adding and Editing a Windows Event Log Action

Using the WinPopup Action