Performance Monitors

Performance Monitors return health and performance metrics over time and enable you to leverage WhatsUp Gold Reporting for calculating averages, visualizing trends, and tracking history.

Tip: Performance monitors provide historic data and up-to-moment troubleshooting data.


  • Interface Utilization

Session / OS

Network Management and Instrumentation

Disk I/O and Disk Throughput


  • Azure Billing
  • Azure Performance
  • AWS Cloudwatch
  • AWS Billing (AWS Cloudwatch using Billing namespace)

In This Section

Active Script (Performance)

APC UPS (Performance)

CPU Utilization (Performance)

PowerShell Scripting

Disk Utilization (Performance)

Interface Utilization

Printer (Performance)

Hyper-V Virtual Machine Disk Activity

JMX (Performance)

Memory Utilization (Performance)

Ping Latency and Availability

SNMP (Performance)

SQL Query (Performance)

SSH (Performance)

VMware Datastore IOPS

Windows Performance Counter

Configuring WMI Formatted Counter monitors

WMI Performance Monitor

Hyper-V Host Event Log Monitor

Hyper-V Host Virtual Machines Monitor