Overview (antispamseeder.exe)

The antispamseeder.exe utility, located in the IMail top directory, is used to manage the spam and non-spam word counts contained in the antispam-table.txt file. You can use this utility to modify the antispam-table.txt file in the following ways:

Note: If any of the procedures listed below are performed by a secondary host, that host will either need to copy antispamseeder.exe to the secondary host's directory, or access antispamseeder.exe from the primary IMail domain 's directory.


Resolving incorrectly identified e-mail

Creating a host's antispam-table.txt file

Customizing a host's antispam-table.txt file

Adding new words to the antispam-table.txt file

Modifying the word counts in the antispam-table.txt file

Deleting infrequent words from the antispam-table.txt file

Merging Antispam-table.txt files

Creating URL Domain Black Lists

Simultaneously Merge Domain Links List and Antispam- Table.txt Files

Identifying wildcards in e-mail

Related Topics

Antispamseeder Parameters

Understanding the Antispam-table.txt file