The following reports display information for devices and device groups that have active monitors configured and enabled. Access these reports from the WhatsUp Gold web interface's Reports tab.
See Also
Using Premium Active Monitors
Adding and editing an APC UPS Monitor
Monitoring mail servers
Monitoring a Microsoft Exchange Server
Getting Started with Exchange Monitors
Adding and Editing an Exchange Monitor
Example: Exchange Server monitor
Monitoring Microsoft Exchange 2003 Servers
Adding and editing a File Properties Monitor
Adding and editing a Folder Monitor
Adding and editing an FTP Monitor
Adding and editing an HTTP Content Monitor
Adding and editing a Network Statistics Monitor
Adding and editing a Power Supply Monitor
Adding and editing a Printer Monitor
Adding and editing a Process Monitor
Adding and editing a SQL Server Monitor
Adding and editing a SQL Query Monitor
Adding and Editing a WMI Monitor
Adding and editing a VoIP Monitor
Adding and editing an Active Script Active Monitor
Assigning active monitors
Removing and deleting active monitors
About critical active monitors