Memory Utilization (Performance)

Choose collection options for your Memory Utilization (Performance) monitor:

  1. Select the Protocol with which you want to collect data from the device. If your selection generates an error or WhatsUp Gold informs you the selected protocol may/will not work for the device, please choose an alternate protocol prior to saving your monitor configuration.
  2. Specify if Memory Utilization data should be collected for All memory items or Specific memory items. If you plan to monitor utilization for only specific types of memory, enable the applicable checkbox(es) at left in the configuration dialog prior to saving your monitor configuration.
  3. Use the Polling interval (minutes) control provided to indicate how often you want data to be collected.
  4. Expand the Advanced section of the dialog and use the controls provided to modify the Timeout (secs) and Retries settings, if desired.

    Tip: This section of the configuration dialog contains a third control which allows you to specify how WhatsUp Gold should determine the uniqueness of memory items; by Memory index or Memory description.

  5. Click OK to save your monitor configuration.

See Also

Performance Monitors

Active Script (Performance)

APC UPS (Performance)

AWS CloudWatch (Performance)

Azure Cloud (Performance)

Azure Cloud (Billing and Usage)

CPU Utilization (Performance)

PowerShell Scripting

Disk Utilization (Performance)

Printer Ink/Toner Performance Monitor

Hyper-V Virtual Machine Disk Activity

JMX (Performance)

Interface Utilization

Ping Latency and Availability

REST API (Performance)

SNMP (Performance)

SNMP (Performance)

SQL Query (Performance)

SSH (Performance)

VMware Datastore IOPS

Windows Performance Counter

Configuring WMI Formatted Counter monitors

WMI Performance Monitor

Hyper-V Event Log Monitor

Hyper-V Host Virtual Machines Monitor