WhatsUp Gold Settings
Selecting from the top menu navigation provides access to multiple interfaces where you can configure and customize a number of features within WhatsUp Gold to fit your specific monitoring needs:
- . Manage individual WhatsUp Gold services and monitor database usage.
- . System-specific defaults, and database constraints (WhatsUp Gold Settings, System Settings).
- . Create, modify, and remove individual user accounts or groups of users from WhatsUp Gold.
- . Access the action policy and Alert Center libraries.
- . Access the credential, monitor, role editor, and system task libraries.
- . Configure business hours, scheduled reports, and recurring actions.
- . Set application state parameters, data retention times, global application attribute names, and other settings specific to monitoring application performance.
- . Manage, archive, audit, monitor, and ensure policy compliance of your application, network infrastructure, and device configurations.
- . Manage and configure router-based and interface-level network traffic monitoring with a powerful report and analysis capability.
- . Specify the expiration timeframe for collected virtual event log data and the polling interval for the applicable monitoring service.
- . Specify global settings applicable to all wireless device monitoring, data collection, and retention as well as manage wireless client groups and excluded rogues.