Windows Event Log

This report shows Windows events logged for the selected device during the time period displayed at the bottom of the report.

The Windows Event Log

Note: In order for entries to be added to this report, the Windows Event Log listener must be enabled and a Windows Event passive monitor must be added to the device. For more information on the Windows Event Log listener, see Enabling the Windows Event Log Listener.

Tip: If you experience page load delays for device or system passive monitor reports (SNMP Trap, Syslog, and Windows Event Log), this may be caused by too many records to display for this report time range. Change the time range or reduce the Maximum Passive Monitor Records setting to display fewer records. Reducing the maximum number of passive monitor records will improve WhatsUp Gold report display performance.

Note: WhatsUp Gold v14.1 and prior used a default value of 10,000 max records; WhatsUp Gold v14.2 and later use a default value of 1,000 max records. For more information, see Managing server options.

A Windows log event is a Windows Event Viewer entry monitored by WhatsUp Gold. This could be monitoring when a service is started or stopped, if there was a logon failure, or any other entry in the Windows Event Viewer.

Log report body

The following information is displayed in the log:

Note: If this report's data exceeds the maximum number of records set for full reports, use the Paging Options to view more records for the report. The maximum number of records any full report displays is specified in the Preferences dialog.

See Also

Using WhatsUp Gold System Logs

Action Log

Error Logs

SNMP Trap Log


Activity Log

Scheduled Report Log

Recurring Action Log

Web User Activity Log

WhatsVirtual Event Log