WhatsVirtual Event Log

The WhatsVirtual Events log provides a record of the events generated by virtual devices managed by a vCenter server.

The WhatsVirtual Event Log

Note: To gather events for this report, you must have enabled WhatsVirtual event collection on the General tab of the WhatsUp Gold Program Options dialog.

Tip: The types of events gathered for this report can be configured on the Virtualization tab of the Device Properties dialog for the vCenter server.

Log Body

The following information is displayed in the log:

Note: If the log data exceeds the maximum number of records set for full reports, use the Paging Options to view more records for the report. The maximum number of records any full report displays is specified in the Preferences dialog.

See Also

Using WhatsUp Gold System Logs

Action Log

Error Logs

SNMP Trap Log


Windows Event Log

Activity Log

Scheduled Report Log

Recurring Action Log

Web User Activity Log