
This log shows Syslog events recorded for selected devices on the network during the time period displayed at the top of the log. WhatsUp Gold can accept Syslog messages from specific devices or from all devices, depending on the selected options.

A Syslog event is used to examine Syslog messages forwarded from other devices for a specific record and/or specific text within a record. Usually Syslog messages are forwarded from the "Syslog" on a system that runs UNIX, but they can also come from non-UNIX devices as well. They might contain anything that you want permanently logged, such as a device failure, or an attempt to log in to the system.


If the Syslog Listener is configured to listen for messages, any messages received are recorded in WhatsUp Gold Syslog.

Note: In order for this log to receive syslog messages, the Syslog Listener must be enabled. For more information, see Enabling the Syslog Listener. Additionally, if the receiving port is not on the list of firewall exceptions, messages may not be receivable and as a result will not be added to Syslog. Please ensure that the syslog receiving port is on the firewall's list of exceptions.

Tip: If you experience page load delays for device or system passive monitor reports (SNMP Trap, Syslog, and Windows Event Log), this may be caused by too many records to display for this report time range. Change the time range or reduce the Maximum Passive Monitor Records setting to display fewer records. Reducing the maximum number of passive monitor records will improve WhatsUp Gold report display performance. For more information, see Managing server options.

This report includes the time the message was received, the syslog type, and its payload.

Report body

The following information is displayed in the log:

Note: The data is limited to the first 100 bytes in the payload. To view the full payload, click the payload entry to view the payload details.

Note: If the log data exceeds the maximum number of records set for full reports, use the Paging Options to view more records for the report. The maximum number of records any full report displays is specified in the Preferences dialog.

See Also

Using WhatsUp Gold System Logs

Action Log

Error Logs

SNMP Trap Log

Windows Event Log

Activity Log

Scheduled Report Log

Recurring Action Log

Web User Activity Log

WhatsVirtual Event Log